So I thought about things and decided to post some of the photos that I shot for Les Visages de Joie, the charity exhibition that Pamela Jones debuted back in March. It's currently planned to exhibit in NYC and all proceeds from the show are being donated to a charity organization established by Wyclef Jean for the people of Haiti.
Here is Pam, with Jeff Feldman who assisted her in organizing the exhibition.
As I mentioned before, the exhibit drew a large crowd. There was a lot of money raised for charity that night.
One of the great things about Pam's work is that it attracted people of all types to come and show their support!
Here are Pam and Jeff, ready to raffle off one of her photographs for charity.
Pam also compiled a small coffee table book of her exhibit. You can contact her if interested in purchasing one.
The musical guests, Papaloko, DJ Kiki and Jowie Omicil added a soulful dimension to the exhibit. They were also very popular with the crowd.
The band was popular with other photographers as well. I consider myself fortunate to have captured this image..
By the end of the night, everyone was having a good time and infused with their own 'visages de joie' -which you can see here..
Here's Pam among her photographs. A world traveler, she manages to keep things in perspective and with this exhibit inspired others to reach out and lend assistance to the people of Haiti who needed it.
With Les Visages de Joie, Pam and Jeff organized a successful exhibit. That night's efforts to promote Haitian relief awareness and increase contributions for Wyclef Jean's charity organization was very well received and brought aid to many people in need. If you happen to be in NYC, keep an eye out for this exhibit and make a point to attend!
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