As I've been plugging away at today, I'm offering a Valentine's Day sale on my fine art photography. Email me with the subject header "Cupid Stole My Heart" to get a 15% discount on this series of images that I shot in Mississippi several months after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf coast.
Images from this series are available in varying sizes, from 6"x6" to 10"x10" photos even up to 14"x14" or 20"x20" prints. I'm opening my entire image catalogue -including these images here- for this special sale, so contact me with any questions you may have!
This image below features 100% genuine Katrina mud that, according to a local I spoke with, seeped up drywall paneling to attach itself to the original wooden planks the building was constructed with. After the drywall was pried away, the mud remained.
This image I captured inside of an abandoned restaurant. The plaster wall had actually been knocked away in this exact manner. I wonder if you see the same thing that I did..
One of the most noticeable things throughout buildings that, though standing, were condemned and abandoned was the random objects left behind. This image has one, if only you know where to look.
As late as it currently is, I am going to post more images tomorrow. Following the updates for this current image portfolio, you'll see more fantastic fine art photography to come! So feel free to email me with questions or requests!
So after posting only three images this morning, I received an inquiry into one of the prints being purchased. Happily, for everyone involved, I have a total of 25 photos that complete that series of images. So here is the first of a few updates, with several more of the images for you to view. Like I mentioned this morning, email me with a subject header "Cupid Stole My Heart" and you'll receive 15% off the price of a print. Sizes vary from 6"x6" to 10"x10" plus a large-sized 14"x14" and even a grandiose 20"x20" - so take advantage of the sale and get something beautiful to gift on Valentine's Day!
One of the focal points for this series was to emphasize the beauty that arises from unnoticed details. From an event so tragic, it's possible to find a piece of something beautiful in the small things that, quite often, tend to escape unnoticed to the occupied mind.
This image is available in a diptych -also a potential triptych- and is quite possibly one of the most dangerous images I have ever created. As you can see, the entire wall had caved in and made the foundation of the building very unsteady -especially for someone shooting photos on the 2nd floor.
So feel free to email me to receive a discount in time for Valentine's Day! More images to come, more vitamins for your optic nerves.